Handling The Usual Oral Health Issues

Handling The Usual Oral Health Issues

We all know that to have healthy teeth and gums, one should brush and floss daily, eat healthy foods, and visit the dentist regularly. But sometimes these aren’t enough. Many people are bothered with oral health problem such as cavities, bad breath, receding gums, mouth sores, and erosion which in effect take away their confidence to smile. These oral health problems occur whenever we do not properly take care of our oral health. There are also many ways to prevent this from happening, and the simplest thing for now is knowing – and doing – the right preventive measures against these dental problems.
Your diet and your oral hygiene are big factors in your oral health. Regular visits to the dentist could make a huge difference. But what if you were not able to prevent this from happening? What if you are suffering from it right at this very moment? This would only mean one thing. You are looking for the best treatment methods. Listed below are some of the common dental problems and how to treat them, and ideas on preventing these common troubles.
Bad breath. Halitosis or bad breath is treated based on what caused it. Brushing and flossing is important because it protects your mouth from bacteria that cause the foul smell. Even if your dentist assures you that you have healthy teeth and gums, you should dig a little deeper as it can be a symptom of a different problem. Bronchitis, sinusitis, respiratory infections, diabetes, problem with the liver or kidneys, and gastro intestinal disturbance like GERD, are examples of illnesses that could be indicated by bad breath. Other possible culprits are too much garlic and onion, smoking, and certain types of medication.
Tooth decay and tooth erosion. Brushing your teeth at least two times a day and using a dental floss once a day with regular visits to the dentist can stave off tooth decay and erosion. There are also protective plastic sealants that reduce one’s risk of having cavities. Avoid developing plaque and erosion by reducing your snacking and having a healthy diet. Studies show that acidic food and drinks cause the enamel to wear off so stay away from sodas, sports drinks, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes and pickles. Also, if you have bulimia or experience acid refluxes, go see a doctor for treatment since gastric acid is one of the causes of teeth erosion.
Receding gums. Periodontal or gum problems have serious consequences. Gingivitis in its early stage causes the gums to swell and redden and also more prone to bleeding. In severe cases of periodontitis, the gums and bones supporting the teeth are damaged which eventually leads to losing one’s choppers. It is recommended that you practice brushing and flossing every day and go to the dentist regularly. Dental experts suggest using a toothbrush with soft bristles and wearing a night guards since gum recession can be caused by hard-bristled toothbrushes, clenching, grinding, contact of gums with dirty objects, and malposition of teeth.
Mouth Sores. The common sores that we get are canker sores and cold sores. Canker sores are found inside the mouth while cold ones are outside and usually appear on the edge of the lips. they are painful and unpleasant but fortunately treatable with over-the-counter drugs and antimicrobial mouth washes and topical anaesthetics to temporarily relieve cold sores.
No matter what mouth problems you are experiencing, there will always be treatment methods available. The bottom line is that it can be prevented. All it takes is discipline to visit the dentists regularly, good diet and knowledge about oral health.

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