Bringing Out The Best Smile With Veneers

Bringing Out The Best Smile With Veneers

Veneer is a type of cosmetic treatment for the teeth; it is a thin layer of tooth-colored material that is placed directly on the surface of the tooth. Veneers can be used to solve different dental problems like teeth discoloration, gaps between the teeth and broken or chipped teeth. So, if you have the said dental problems and want to fix it and if you want to have a perfect smile, then Veneers could be the answer for you.
Dental veneers are very thin shells with a material that is tooth-colored, which makes it better than the other procedures, that is placed on the surface of the tooth. Dental Veneers can be made by either porcelain or resin materials. However, porcelain is mostly used nowadays because of its higher resistance to stain and has a light-reflecting quality that is actually similar to the natural tooth, making it look more natural.
it requires three appointments with the dentists to have a best smile, through veneers. For your first visit, your dentist will discuss if the application of veneers will work best for you. On your second visit, your dentist will remove a small amount of the outer coating of your teeth, or the enamel so that it will not be bulky and for the veneer to be placed properly. An impression is then taken and will be forwarded to the lab to make customized veneers. On your last visit, the dentist will apply the veneers to your teeth with the use of a special adhesive material.
It is very important to weight the pros and cons of dental veneers. As it is with other materials, procedures and products for oral care, one should be highly informed of consequences when getting veneers as well. Among all the cosmetic dentistry procedures, veneers belong to the expensive ones. Thus, it is important to know the pros and cons of veneers before paying a large amount of money that may not even work for you.
First, let’s look at the advantages. Since veneers have the same color as a natural tooth, and since is it custom made, it is almost impossible to know which tooth is natural and which are veneers. Unlike dental bonding and other cosmetic dental procedures, veneers are not prone to staining due to cigarette smoke, coffee, red wine or tea. You can choose how white your veneer could be. However, it is not advised to choose the lightest ones, because may not be natural looking. It is better to choose a veneer color that is almost the same with the color of your natural teeth. Veneers can also be a good substitute for crowns, since veneers don’t require much removal of natural tooth structure.
Now let’s look even closer at the disadvantages. Having veneers can really cost you a fortune. Price ranges from ,000 to ,500 per tooth, and are rarely covered by insurance. So if you want to minimize your expense, it is advised that you just have veneers only on the teeth that are exposed when you smile. During the cosmetic dental procedure, the enamel of your tooth is removed. And removal of enamel results to more teeth sensitivity. Once the teeth are prepared for veneers, you can’t cancel it or take it back.
Having learned all these, now it’s time to ask yourself: What comes after getting the best smile with veneers? Is it really right for you? Or do you have better options as well and go for them? If you have dental problems such as discoloration of teeth, gaps between teeth, or uneven teeth, then Veneers can be right for you. However if you have tooth decay, large fillings, or fractures, then veneer is not an option for you. To make sure if having veneers is right for you, it is best to consult your dentist, they know best what’s right to do with your dental problems.
It is important to take good care of your veneers and of all your teeth. With proper oral hygiene, the chance of tooth decay will be lessened. And with proper oral hygiene, your veneers can last for 10 years or even longer. It is also important to not abuse your teeth, thus avoid biting your nails and eating hard foods that can cause breakage to your veneers. If you take good care of your veneers, it can bring your best smile.

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