Tagged: Tooth

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity Tooth sensitivity is the experience were the teeth hit by sudden tooth pain or discomfort while having cold and sweet foods. It is inevitable that a person should experience this because they do not have much idea why they have sensitive teeth in the first place. Tooth sensitivity may result as a reaction to sudden changes in pressure and temperature. It is very common for our teeth to be sensitive to cold but it can also be sensitive to heat. Our teeth may also feel pain because of pressure. An example is the sudden change in pressure...

Coping With Tooth Erosion

Coping With Tooth Erosion

Coping With Tooth Erosion Tooth erosion is also an oral disease that includes wearing of tooth enamel caused by acid. Usually, enamel is a hard substance that covers your tooth. It is usually damaged by acid that is formed on the mouth when you drink beverages like sodas, colas, coffee, and tea and when you are smoking. Acid then wears away the enamel that coats your teeth. When the enamel is damaged, there is a tendency for tooth erosion. Tooth erosion usually common to children and teenagers. When your tooth erodes, it is sensitive to hot and cold temperatures especially...

Tooth Whitening – Choosing The Best Method

Tooth Whitening – Choosing The Best Method

Tooth Whitening – Choosing The Best Method In today’s image conscious society an increasing number of people are following the example of Tom Cruise, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Kidman and a host of other celebrities and adding a bright white smile to their shopping list. But, with so many tooth whitening treatments available today, how do you go about picking the method that is best for you? The tooth whitening industry is growing at an alarming rate and now represents a billion dollar a year business in the US with companies falling over themselves to introduce new products almost...

Why Do Some People Get Tooth Abscess?

Why Do Some People Get Tooth Abscess?

Why Do Some People Get Tooth Abscess? Tooth abscess, also known as dental abscess or root abscess. This condition is by which pus is collected in the tissues surrounding a tooth as a result for bacterial infection. It usually occurs in the tissue surrounding the tooth that is decayed because of failed root canal. There are three types of tooth abscess. A periodontal abscess occurs in the tissue and bones of a tooth. Another one is the gingival abscess it occurs in the gum tissues without affecting the teeth. The last type of tooth abscess is the periapical abscess which...

Maybe You Need To Re-Learn Tooth Brushing

Maybe You Need To Re-Learn Tooth Brushing

Maybe You Need To Re-Learn Tooth Brushing You probably think that brushing your teeth is as simple as a snap, but there are a lot of facts about this dental hygiene routine. Brushing your teeth regularly is probably the best way to maintain a healthy oral hygiene. The continuous proper brushing of teeth prevents gum diseases and plaque build-up. One must brushing at least twice a day in the morning and at night for at least three minutes can reassure us of a well-maintained dental health. But knowing the proper brushing techniques and choosing the right toothbrush greatly contributes to...